What the hell? ------>
Time to ramble my thoughts until I decide what I want to use this website for. There are so many things that I could use it for...but I kinda don't do anything so I'm not really sure what to do. I could blog post all my worries and anxieties but that doesn't sound particularly fun or enriching. Still, it might be good to put those somewhere instead of just keeping them inside. Maybe I'll put those on like a secret link that you have to find like the exact 9 pixel box and click it to access that webpage.
I need to be willing to do more, but I just can't make myself. I'm sitting here feeling like it's impossible for me to learn how to format better. I so badly want to customize the design, but it just feels impossible. Maybe I need to think of one thing I can change/try and start there. That's probably a good way to approach any skill.
Well, I guess it's time to try something. Finally created a list of things for me to do! I separated it between responsibilities, desires, and aspirations. Things I need to do, things I want to do and can conceptualize how, and things I am interested in/want to learn more about! I'm also writing thougts to keep in mind, and setting weekly goals! I should set a reward for the goals....what should the reward be? I like setting food goals, but those are difficult to keep consistent. Buying things shouldn't always be the goal. So what can replace it?
I think the best thing I could do with this website would be to post my photos maybe. I don't take photos very often though, so I would need to do it more consistently. I wanted to just take pictures of whatever, but I've really fallen off of that recently. I want to use my camera more, but ever since it stopped working consistently, it's been difficult. I don't really know what to do...